Advisory School Board

Advisory School Board (ASB)

Our Advisory School Board (ASB) members perform many important functions in our community and support the school through their many efforts. Thank you ASB!

ASB Members:

 Marie Andrew
Brenda Carmichael
Marie Larson
Denise Riley-Alexie
Sharon Williams

The Range of the ASB Duties

What an Advisory School Board CAN do:

1) set local policy,

2) hire classified staff,

3) make the school calendar,

4) conduct public meetings in public,

5) keep the ASB meeting minutes,

6) vote on and give the Site Administrator (SA) directives,

7) evaluate the SA,

interview and recommend Classified Staff for hire,

9) appoint ASB members to vacant seats,

10) appoint committees to assist the ASB and dissolve any committee at any time,

11) discipline individual members and remove members from the ASB,

12) assist the SA with counsel and advice,

13) consult with the SA on all matters concerning the school which the ASB is considering or about which it proposes to take action,

14) create a statement of philosophy and educational goals,

15) work with the SA for the betterment of the local school, 

16) develop procedures to ensure that the District policy is followed,

17) develop and adopt site improvement plans,

18) require students to take specific classes in addition to those required by the District,

approve field trips, sports travel, and outings outside of the community,

20) develop the student Discipline Plan,

21) develop a staffing plan for school in cooperation with the SA,

22) establish rules and regulations for non-school use of school buildings,

23) close school during emergencies,

24) make recommendations regarding local construction needs, building design, and the naming of new school buildings,

25) liaison between the community and the school using their influence as community leaders to help schools be successful by informing and encouraging parents and students,

listen to the concerns or complaints of community members and then ask whether or not the person has talked to the individual involved and encourage the person to do so,

27) accompany a person with a concern to talk with the person or the SA or make the SA aware of an issue,

28) develop procedures for dealing with complaints,

29) refer complaints and other communications (oral and written) concerning administrative matters to the SA and realize that complaints against an employee must be handled administratively through the complaint procedure, the Board Policies, and Administrative Regulations and, if necessary, refer problems that cannot be solved at the local level to the Superintendent’s office,

30) remember that all employees of the school are responsible to the SA and refrain from any direct dealing with them and receive all reports from them through the SA,

31) support the SA in all decisions and actions which conform to professional standards, ASB policy, District policy, and the written rules and regulations of the Supe., and

32) assist in the budgeting of the school.


What an Advisory School Board CANNOT do:

1) Exert any special authority except when sitting in a formal meeting or say that they will “take care of it” when someone has an issue.  Outside of an ASB meeting, members are private citizens with the same rights as any other private citizen and have no special rights.  Decisions are made as a group, not by individual members.

2) Become involved in the discipline or termination of classified staff.  That is the SA’s responsibility.

3) Hire or fire certified staff members.

4) Administer policy.  That is the SA’s responsibility.

5) Conduct “Poll” votes outside of regular meetings. All votes must be made in open meetings.

6) Make policy that is in conflict with Board Policy, Administrative Regulations, or Superintendent Directives

7) Take action in an Executive Session.

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